Scanning Angular.js sites TN-W18
SortSite can scan sites created with Angular and similar JavaScript frameworks if:
The site uses routing URLs beginning with punctuation like
. It still treats URLs like#skip_to_content
as on-page links within the same document, which is needed for skip links. -
The JavaScript DOM Changes setting is changed to All Changes. On Windows this is View menu->Options->Links. On Mac this is Scan Options->Links. In OnDemand and Enterprise edition this is in Edit Scan->Links.
You can test this on the following Angular sample which changes view when you click on the links:
The links in this are automatically followed and scanned, and the Pages tab of the report shows Angular views loaded on pages like:
Note: Reporting in SortSite is based around URLs. If routing links load views, but don’t change the URL, then all results are reported on a single page.
Applies To: SortSite Desktop 5.10 or later, Enterprise 2018.1 or later and OnDemand
Last Reviewed: September 13, 2018