MSBuild Integration SortSite Developer Manual

The Microsoft Build Engine (MSBuild) is the build platform for .NET and Visual Studio.

To test build outputs using SortSite Developer with MSBuild:

  1. Make sure the built app or site is available via an HTTP server (e.g. http://localhost/build-output or http://your-staging-server/ )
  2. Create a SortSiteCmd configuration file setting ProcessURL to the build output URL setup in the previous step
  3. To flag a build failure when any issues are detected, set the ExpectedResults element in the XML configuration file
  4. Add an MSBuild task similar to this:
<Project xmlns="">
		<TestConfig Include="*.ssconfig"/>

	<Target Name="TestSite">
		<Exec Command='"c:\Program Files (x86)\PowerMapper Software\SortSite 6\SortSiteCmd.exe" %(TestConfig.Identity)'/>